
Bringing customized concierge service to our clients in all areas of SEO and Online Marketing. Specializing in:

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Select the right platforms, not just the best There are many social media platforms to choose from, most with different mediums to achieve the same purpose. For example, Youtube is for videos, and Twitter is for updates in the form of text (“Tweets”). Find the ones that serve you and your company best. For example, if you are a real estate agent, Pinterest could be one of your strongest assets for updating followers on new listings. Users...

After telling you what Google does not want to see, you may be curious as to what will please the algorithm. Here are a few things that Google DOES want to see from your site: Updates/Fresh Content Do you keep your website up to date with the latest style trends and features for your business? Or are you still using the old HTML website from the 90’s? Some of you may think that the old saying “If it...

Buying Links You may know people who have bought links or sell links to help your search rankings improve. This is something Google will penalize you for if they catch you. Having legitimate links is one thing, but buying links that end up in the footer of some random site that have the anchor text you want to rank for draws a suspicious eye. Keep it legit. Ads All Over Your Site Google understands having ads on a site....

In relation to our previous post about your business and Facebook posts, we want to offer some business tips for Twitter. Twitter and Facebook, though similar in that you can grow a following are very different in terms of interaction, post format, and forms of interaction.Here are some tips to help your business along using Twitter: Obviously, make a profileThis is pretty self-explanatory, however, it is almost impossible to engage with potential followers if you are not...

Keeping your site’s content fresh and exciting can be a challenge, especially in some industries. Here are some tips that will help you do this in even the most challenging industries: Make Yourself a Source of News What is fresher than the news? Nothing, honestly. It is an industry that is constantly updating and changing. Take advantage of this plethora of information by finding something related to your industry and writing about it. Visitors to your site will...